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Iranian Art Khak Gallery
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#1 Jila Alley, Basiri St. Gholhak
Shariati Ave. IRAN TEHRAN
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OFFICE VILLA 21, 4B ST. , AL HUDAIBA 322 - MARSAM MATTAR ART CENTER Dubai - United Arab Emirates
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[ فارسی ]

The Made, The Undone and The Make-Dos (Savaareh, Oftaadeh, Piyaadeh)

By Vali Mahlouji

Found objects are assembled to create the installation entitle The Made, The Undone and The Make-Dos (Savaareh, Oftaadeh, Piyaadeh). At the core of the installation stands a horse with two travellers.

The Mysterious creator and The Hidden Beauty

By Translated by Abdi Farazi

Finding an equivalent term to describe the abstract works of Mahsa Karimizadeh is not an easy task. Is the resulting artwork, a free interpretation of reality found in the external environment or did the artist solely depend on what hitherto existed only in her mind?

By Bavand Behpoor

Ali Nassir is a difficult painter. He is the opposite of a craftsman; masterstroke is expelled from his work...


Exploring the internal world: contemplation or passiveness?

By Hamid Severi

Alireza Fani has left a long way behind in a short time.